Do I qualify for Residential Care or Independent Living?

For applicants wishing to apply for the Care Home (Cullum Welch Court), please e-mail directly for more information.

For applicants wishing to live in the independent living community at Morden College, please follow the below information. For any independent living queries, please e-mail

As of we will not be accepting applications as the waiting list for Blackheath is currently at capacity until further notice.

The Charity will not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, creed, sexual orientation, or religion; we welcome applications from single people, married couples or those in partnerships. Qualifying individuals, or their next of kin, can apply to the Charity for accommodation in a flat for independent living. Once an individual has been accepted into the Charity as a ‘resident beneficiary’ they are automatically eligible to use all services, including those in our residential care home, after an assessment of the need for care has been made by our qualified staff.

The Charity’s core purpose is to provide older people who are in need with a home for life, to support them as they grow older, via our Resident Services Team, Domiciliary Care Team and, if the need arises, residential nursing care. However, there will sadly be occasions due to changes in health where the Charity cannot provide the level of care needed. In these circumstances the Resident Services Team will help the individual to find accommodation that is able to meet their needs.

Key qualifying factors
The qualifying criteria that applicants must meet when an individual or a couple apply for independent living ‘resident beneficiary’ status are as follows:

  • In their working life have held (managerial/leadership) responsibility in a trade, vocation or profession; or their partner must have done so
  • Be in receipt of a UK state pension or eligible for such
  • Be in need through financial hardship (via a threshold of assets equal to or lower than £40,000 including property and on a low income)

In addition to the above criteria, any need through loneliness or isolation, if present, will be taken into consideration when an application is made.

We treat every application on a case-by-case basis with regards to the above criteria.

If you would like to apply, please click here